You know you lived on Teter Thompson 2 if…
…you recall 2 college freshmen in matching onesies riding up and down the hall on skateboards.
…you had sleepovers in rooms right across the hall from your own just because you liked being together THAT much.
…you had special stuffed animals taken by the boys and found them looking like they hung themselves beneath bunk beds.
…you stained the wooden desk you had by putting window decorations on the wood as opposed to where they actually belonged.
…you were woken up at night by a violin being played outside your door.
…you couldn’t fall asleep because your roommate kept clicking her mouse pad, stalking people on Facebook.
…you went to the cut-outs frequently and sometimes even stopped on the way back for a quick Chinese fire drill.
…you opened the bathroom door to find a million heart candies fall on your head.
…you ordered Pizza X and Baked far too often.
…you always had someone to go to Wright with.
…you were shoved in a Crossfire’s teeny tiny trunk to go to Texas Roadhouse.
…you studied in the lounge with floormates just to be in each other’s company.
…you always felt like a paparazzi was around (No, it wasn’t me. I didn’t pick up the camera until 2 years ago.)
…you found forks and sugar packets in your purse after each floor trip to Olive Garden.
…you cried as baby Shrek got his hair cut for the first time.
…you watched as your friend ate gallons of orange sherbet in bed while wearing the same sweatpants for weeks.
…you rallied together as you found there was a klepto living on the floor.
…you recall a bathroom sink being broken.
…you woke up multiple times throughout the year in the middle of the night as a result of pulled fire alarms.
…you walked through a tunnel to do laundry that you put off for so long because it cost $1.50 to wash and $1.25 to dry.
…you remember there being a “bat” in the underground tunnel on Valentine’s Day.
…you had a male floormate who seemed to be nocturnal.
…you had friends come out of their room demonstrating “proper” workout attire because you’d never gone to a gym before.
…you know how important ugly dolls are.
…you went trick-or-treating for canned goods dressed as Winnie the Poo and Piglet on Halloween.
…you won the window painting contest for Homecoming.
…you went to one of the scariest haunted houses of all time.
…you laughed more than you could have ever imagined you would.
…you had an extremely difficult time moving out at the end of freshman year.
***If you lived on Teter Thompson 2, I’d be more than willing to update this post with more of these. It could be quite fun. Comment below and I’ll add them! I miss you all!
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