Happy Birthday, Kendyl, Josie, and Emory!
I had an absolute blast at this birthday party. Three precious birthday girls, pink tutus, a clown, and a very genuine, outgoing, welcoming group of party guests made my job a breeze.
The girls were all born within a week of each other and their moms are best friends. How awesome is that???
The “friend-triplets”
The Girls. From left to right-Kendyl, Josie, and Emory.

The Cake. The celebratory, tiny, individual cakes! Some played, some ate, some dove head first, and others tossed their cakes on the floor. All in all, I’m pretty sure they each enjoyed it.

And what fun is eating your cake by yourself? Why not share with your older sister? Or feed it to your dad? 🙂

The Entertainer. And also one of the most favorable guests, Binky. Favorable by most.

You see, the majority of people at the party enjoyed Binky’s company.
Who wouldn’t? He performed magic tricks.

He made swords, bracelets, and animals out of balloons for the kids. And even heart-shaped balloons for the adults.

See how sweet he was?

I think the way it works with clowns is that you don’t like them until AFTER your first birthday. Everyone loved him, except for the three stars of the party…

The Moments.

Below: the embrace at the end of the party celebrating one year. The first of many, many combined birthday parties.

You have no idea how difficult it was to narrow it down to the photos I chose; however, I suppose that means photographing the girls’ party was a success.
Thank you guys for inviting me to capture your daughters’ first birthday celebration and partake in all the fun!
These are great. My favorite is by far the one with the birthday girls and hte clown. Priceless…I have an idea…how about we all have kids at the same time and do combined parties?