I saw these flowers and my mind immediately went to Kortney. I’m not sure why these reminded me of her. She likes purple, yes, but she’s not obsessed with the color or anything. Maybe it’s because I bought her a purple TWLOHA shirt for Christmas last year. I will forever think of her when I see the color purple. Weird. Cool. I miss her. She’s living in Colorado right now. The view from her window is a beautiful landscape of mountains. My roommate Hannah is going to visit her. Oh, how I wish I could go, too! But duty calls…er..work calls. Whatever.
I think I’m going to read Eat, Pray, Love again. I read it last summer. I think I want to read it again.
We’ve had a tornado warning here 2 times in the past 24 hours. I love storms. My dad and I used to sit on the swing in our screened-in porch when I was little and watch them. I think it would be awesome to catch a storm via photographs, but that would take some special equipment, an absurd amount of patience, mad skill and quite a bit of time. Someday I’ll do it.
The vision in my left eye has been becoming increasingly blurry in the past few days. It also feels like I somehow poured a bottle of sunscreen in my eye and it won’t go away. It’s painful. Oh, and…there is a speck that has become nestled right in the middle of my pupil and it won’t go away. I mean…I have tried moving it with my finger. I’ve tried eye-drops. I’ve tried everything. It hasn’t moved in 6 days. Maybe I should go see an optometrist.
Hannah (the roommate…remember?) has her bright blonde hair in a loose, vintage-looking french braid right now. I’m jealous.
I wish I owned yellow Hunter wellies. I’ve not admitted to anyone how badly I want these. I’m dying to have them. You should want some too. They’re perfect to wear with shorts in the summer not to mention, if you’re a photographer and need to position yourself in some “hard-to-reach” or muddy, wet areas, these are the perfect boots for you. They come in many fun colors, too! Happiness.
I bought 1% milk yesterday because I learned that the skim milk I’m used to drinking doesn’t give you the many benefits that milk with a tad bit of fat gives you. It’s hard to drink, but it makes me feel better knowing that I am slightly improving my health.
I shot my first wedding this past Saturday with Bloomington’s best photographer-in my opinion and many, many other’s opinion, as well! I learned a ton and am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to work with her. Learned some things I did well, in addition to things I need to work on. I already know of so many things I’ll do differently at the next wedding in July, so consequently, I’m looking forward to it.
I have a fun weekend planned with some pretty awesome friends of mine that I don’t see as often as I’d like. It will not rain. It will not rain. It will not rain. Everything I have in mind for us to do requires being outside. A few of the possibilities include Oliver Winery, the waterfall at Cascades, the cut-outs+bonfire+s’mores, and The Taste of Bloomington.
When Hobby Lobby has a sale at the same time that my wallet isn’t dry, I’m going to buy a few canvases, go outside, and splatter paint all over them. Seems fun to me. And liberating.
One of my favorite things to do is to go to Compassion, “a Christian child advocacy ministry that releases children from spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enables them to become responsible, fulfilled Christian adults” (from their “about us” page) and pick a child to pray for for a week. I usually go on Sunday night, click on “Sponsor A Child” to see the pictures of children in need to sponsors, and choose one to pray for for the following week. I wish I was able to sponsor one. It will be the first thing I do when I have my first “real” job, but in the mean time, I find it fulfilling to pray for them. None of you know that. I’ve never let anyone in on that little secret of mine, but why keep that a secret? Maybe some of you will decide to do the same thing or something similar. I’m not trying to convince you, just throwing the idea out there.
That is all. Goodnight.
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serving Indianapolis & wherever you are
You are one amazing woman Em. I am so proud of you. Once again I have tears in my eyes from reading your blog. Love you more than you can know!
Aunt Katie
Em, I forgot to tell you. I visiting Compassion International’s Headquarters last week.
It is amazing. By stepping foot into the building, you can tell that the mission is the main thing. Not to have a fancy building, not to climb the corporate (nonprofit) latter, but to serve children in a loving, Christ-centered way. It was incredible seeing the ins and outs of how they operate and to see all the little details that they have thought of to make Compassion the best in fostering hunger and poverty in children. I hope you can go there some day! LOVED it.
Deeply touched but your writing ELW! I didn’t know about compassion but now I do – thanks!
Aunt Tricia