I’m living with my mom right now in my childhood home. My childhood home that was always a home to a dog as well, until 3 years ago. I love dogs, always have, and now more than ever, I’m just dying to have one. My mom is allergic and says this home has finished its duty of housing a dog–they’re only allowed to visit. I try often to convince her to let me get one. The answer is always “nope.” (I’d also take a goat, a teacup pig, or a bunny, but she disagrees.)
She’s against having a dog completely, but yet she pins the following to Pinterest from across the room and says “Oh, Emily. You have to see what I just pinned!” Every. Night.
Evidence that she’s torturing me with photos of baby animals on Pinterest:

(source: 1, 2, 3)
It’s killing me.
Who knew goats were actually cute at some point in their lives?
If only they would stay that small and adorable. 🙂