
Indiana War Memorial Engagement Session | Kirsten & Jeff

We originally schedule their session for a couple of weeks ago and after having a beautiful week in Indy, the weather on that day was supposed to be 20 degrees and crazy windy. Needless to say, we’re SO glad we waited a week! It might have been windy last Thursday, too, but it was still […]


Indiana War Memorial Engagement Session

Indianapolis Fall Engagement Session | Lauren & Brandon

I went to college with Lauren YEARS ago at IU. We’ve always stayed in touch on social media, but I hadn’t seen her in years. Needless to say, it was so, so great to see her and meet Brandon during their very chilly engagement session last Fall. We were close to rescheduling because of the […]



Indianapolis Engagement Session at The Historic Ambassador House | Jess & Dylan

They’re both in medical school and planning a wedding, yet you’d never know it when you’re chatting with them.  We had such a great time at their engagement session – they weren’t stressed one bit, they were able to let go of all the “to do” lists running through their minds, and they just focused […]



Lockerbie Square Engagement Session | Amina & Drew

There’s not much better for me than a super sweet (and adorable) couple, my favorite engagement session location, GORGEOUS golden hour, and ending the session with cocktails. I’m also in love with the outfits Amina and Drew chose + that we did the session in their neighborhood! They walk to work downtown every day and […]


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